
Starting the real write.  Real write, yeah I guess thats right.  I'm going to be doing a series on the different Generations and their basic habits, outlooks, divergences, and anything I can think of.  Purely from my general observations and experiences during my short stay on the planet.  Lets start going shall we.

Alright, first up is the uhhhhh, I'm not sure what they call this generation.  Alright its' called the "Greatest Generation" apparently.  The people born during the first two decades of the 20th Century. These are my Grandparents.  Yeah thats a big difference between me and my age but I come from a big family and I'm the offspring of the youngest sibling, and I was born "late" as far as average ages for mothers go.  I read about people from Gen X who were born in the late 60s or early 70s and their parents are around the same age as mine.  The thing is I'm not Gen X though. I guess thats why I have always felt closer to Gen X than the current Generation which I am technically apart of.  But thats for the later sections.  

The "Greatest Generation" as they call it is one that I have had experience with mostly when I was growing up.  Most of them are in their twilight years if they are even still alive.  Um lets see how I can break this down.  Alright habits.  From what I saw they were generally the most grounded generation I have ever dealt with.  It was all work, raise a family, serve your country (if they chose too), basic community type stuff.  I say this purely from observing my Grandfather and some other folks I used to be around.  

These were the type that might not have past a junior high education and end up working most of their lives.  Totally dedicated to their job and family.  This also had alot to do with their outlook which consisted of duty (whether that be job, armed service, or any organization) and basic loyalty.  The "Greatest Generation" also probably have the most people that are part of all those old organizations.  Don't make me list em lol.  You know the ones I am referencing.  At least the well known ones.  My Grandfather was part of at least one.  

As far as divergences or straying from the 'norm' goes there wasn't too much.  If it was it was a small percentage.  Usually involved in early Communist activities, early womens rights, uh I can't think of anything else right now.  Theres other stuff though.
Even though my experience is limited I do have experience with them.  They were on the you work, raise a family, maybe be part of some organized social group and thats pretty much all there is to life.  Things were not complicated from their point of view.  And at the first quarter or so of the 20th Century I guess it wasn't.  I respect them alot due to their simplistic realist outlook on life.  

It's different from the Boomers simplistic outlook because the world was different.  Nothing was really changing except the construction of society due to the Industrial Age.  Socially things were at a constant.  With the Greatest Generation everybody was mostly on the same page so their wasn't too much difference of opinion.  The Greatest Generation are good examples of basic living.  If you don't have a father figure, studying them can help out alot and answer alot of questions pertaining to the basics of life.  Thinking back my Grandfather is a good example of the basics of what a man should be.  Essentially their a good foundation to base your perspective on. So thats that.  I don't have a whole lot to write about them.  I'm writing purely from observation and general knowledge.   So yeah they are my second most respected generation.  Uh I'll write about the Boomers next.  I got plenty of experience with them thats for sure lol.  So check out the next part uh when I write.

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