Shifts cont.

Alright.  Next group is the Boomers.  Where to begin.  I could probably write two parts just on them.  Uh well these are the people with a large number of births, hence the name "Boom".  Where to start?  Uh lets see well they grew up during a simpler era but things were changing rapidly and how.  I read somewhere that a older person was talking about America and he was referencing the 50s.  He said there was a wholesomeness present in the 40s and 50s. After that "everything went to shit" lol.  I couldn't help but laugh.  Well I don't know what wholesomeness he is referring to, but I understand what he's trying to convey.  The 60s and early 70s are what a good portion of our current reality is based off of.  Americas stilll trying to 'get it right' while not knowing what right is.  But I'm not here to write about the failed politics of that period and the aftermath that followed.

But yeah back to the Boomers.  As much as I understand about the boomers theres just as much I don't understand.  For a group of people who felt like they had a surmounting responsibility they didn't translate much of this insight and life lessons on to their offspring.  Theres just some people that are not properly equipped to have kids and I think this goes for a good portion of the boomers.  I guess the boomers were trying to makes sense of all the sweeping changes going on in the world, that having kids wasn't a high priority.  And it shows through the low Gen X birth rates.  The term "mid-life crisis" is a Boomer word through and through.
The early portion of the early Boomers lives were simple much like their parents. What you were supposed to do in life was not complicated.  Then as they got older things were beginning to make a dramatic change socially.  Right here is where the split in opinions and views began.  Some leaned toward the more radical outlook and thought maybe we can all just "get along"  with a lot of work of course.  Others stayed firm in their simple basic upbringing without too much straying from that.  Others had a sort of equilibrium between the two which meant being  very conscious while keeping what they felt was a realist point of view.  I personally think the bold I just wrote is most of the boomers outlook.  Then you had some who choose to align themselves with the more radical outlook but not willing to put in the work neccessary to achieve the desired results.  And theres some more but hey I only know so much.

Like I wrote earlier, I can write for a while just on the Boomers alone.  The main problem I have with a lot (I didn't write all) of the Boomers is some of their tameness and hypocrisy.  I know a lot of it comes from basic confusion of the life they were raised up in.  If they don't have any strong opinions their just very normal.  Almost too normal if that makes any sense.  Kind of bland ya know?  You know the term 'Check Yourself'.  The Boomers seem to do that the least out of all the Generations when they probably should be doing it the most.  It's like okay you got the world figured out...what are you going to do about it? Work for someone else the rest of your life?  They seem to be the Generation to slide the quickest into conformity.  The major lesson I got from all that 60's and 70's stuff is that Revolution is not a period when your young and full of energy.  Its' a process, a general view.  It doesn't stop once you turn 30.  I can't start writing about moderates and all that stuff.  I'll be here all day lol.  I actually respect moderates. It has to do with realism.  So I guess thats what I would call your average Boomer.  A moderate. So I respect them for that at least.  Their good at keeping a level head.  I was going to break down every section of them but thats not neccessary.  I think anyone who reads will get a general view of what I'm trying to convey.  Its' just my observation and experiences.  Nothing more than that.

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