Damm I hate thinking of titles.

Yeah.  I'm slacking with the posts.  I literally have nothing.  Oh I got a ton of subjects but I like to stay seqeuntial with the shit.  Um I edited some of the posts.  I don't expect anyone to actually go and read the whole post to find a couple added sentences.  But figured I'd let anyone who actually reads my shit know.  Not that I think anyone actually reads my shit because I don't.  Glance over it, skim it maybe, but actually read?  No. LOL.  So yeah I got a post but, I got to actually write it.  I haven't written any of my posts up until the one I"m about to post.  It's sort of deep and no amount of brainstorming and structred freestyle typing (which is how I usually go about it) is going to be able to convey what I want to write.  So theres a post arriving sooner than later.  Don't fret.  Uh thats it for now.  PEACE...or WAR.  Whichever you want is the way it will be.