Learn 'em

Resuming the waterfall of knowledge.  The previous two posts where spur of the moment posts.  Just stuff I thought and figured someone might want to read.  I have one more detour topic.  The regular posts will follow this one.  I guarantee it.  And that topic is the whole Legalization debate of Cannabis Sativa aka Hemp aka government name Marijuana. First off Marijuana is a name given to the plant by the government.  Its the name given to the "make you high" version of the plant.  I hope you know that.  If you don't then you have no business reading my shit.  Catch up.

Now let me put stuff in the proper perspective so people can see what were dealing with here when it concerns a matter such as this.  Education, education, Edjuhmafukincation.  Education and putting matters in the proper perspective can solve ALOT of our problems.  Now I don't even smoke the bountiful buds.  I am educated on the plant and there are numerous positive benefits to the non-THC version of the plant known as Hemp.  And your average citizen needs to know this so that it can know why it is so important for this plant to be legalized.  Truthfully I don't even want to put this topic on my page for fear that someones going to take it and change the meaning of it.  But the fact is, is that the production benefits of Hemp are vast and the United States needs to cut the bullshit.  THEIR USING THE THC-CONTAINED PLANT AND GENERAL IGNORANCE TO STEER THE POPULATION FROM RECOGNIZING THE BENEFITS OF HEMP.  HEMP IS A SEPERATE ENTITY FROM THC-CONTAINING CANNABIS AND THATS WHAT NEEDS TO BE EMPHASIZED.

Hemp can be used to make virtually anything that is currently made of cotton, timber, or petroleum.  Hemp is the world's strongest natural fiber. It has been used to make cloth and rope for over 10,000 years. Hemp was the first crop ever cultivated for textile production. Hemp cloth is stronger, longer lasting, more resistant to mildew, and cheaper to produce than cloth made of cotton. Hemp ropes are known for their strength and durability.  I can't stress how important and how much of a disservice were doing to the planet by refusing to use this plant. The following stuff were made from hemp.


Now writing that, I have to mention that with the exception of medical "marijuana" there needs to be a redirection of our focus with the legalization.  SO WITH ALL CAPS, MEDICINAL MARIJUANA SMOKERS YOU AREN'T BEING REFERENCED. Keep smoking LOL.  To all the smokers and free rights people, yes you are correct.  It isn't a matter of whether the plant is being used for industrial, production,medicinal, or being smoked recreational.  It comes down to basic rights.  Driving drunk and other functions are many more times threatning than being under the influence of "marijuana" will ever be.  We all know that.  But were talking about progressive politics here.  And the main problem I have with all these so-called progressive politics is the put everything on the table philosophy. We don't have anything close to a perfect society.  Alot of so-called *progressive politics puts the cart before the horse.  We have to be realists about this shit.  
Hemp is a perfectly safe product to be used for countless production and cureative methods.  It is these aspects of the plant that we need to be getting educated about and focusing on. If you smoke then fine, but if you want the plant legalized you need to spread knowledge about Hemp and its many production, industrial, and cureative benefits.  Because when that happens it comes to being sensible about the whole matter.  And when you get enough people educated about it then the population will start realizing what some people already know.  That the fact that Hemp is not being legalized in America is dumb.  As a matter of fact not only is it dumb, its' wrong.  Its wrong for the planet, its wrong for the advancement of society, and its wrong from all angles.  EDUCATE

*Now I have to add that I'm not coming down on any liberals or whatever.  I don't even like using the word politics.  People hear politics and they think of people in suits exchanging dry monologues.  So I'm not a big fan of the word due to its association.  But as far as progressiveness goes it has to be viewed in a revolutionary way.  If not then you come down some pegs to basic liberalism.  And being a progressive doesn't neccessarily make you liberal.  I think there can be conservative progressives too.  Being a strong liberal doesn't make you a progressive.  If your really a progressive you don't have to say that you are.  For me I only know of one Feminist who has a full revolutionary model in place and completely lives by it.  To put it bluntly, I only know of one real feminist of basic American feminism.  I'm sure theres more but like I said, I only know of one.  Not saying the rest of yall are faking but shes the real deal and then some.  So yeah I look at that whole "political" stuff with a sharp lens.  I won't go into much else cuz this is a subject in itself.  Progress, evolve, humanity.  These aren't buzzwords.